Donald Trump goes on bizarre rant about a cartoon character

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2018

Donald Trump’s closest allies are suddenly aligning against him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2018

Fox News is officially a Russian propaganda outlet

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 21, 2018

There really is something wrong with this guy

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2018

Donald Trump, Wendy, and the Pakistani mystery man

By Bill Palmer | Apr 21, 2018

Donald Trump goes on demented late night rant about Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

No wonder Donald Trump has been going berserk about the Mike Pompeo nomination

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

Donald Trump gets his worst news yet at the end of a terrible week for him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

The real reason Roger Stone is suddenly coming out against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

The real reason Jeff Sessions is suddenly threatening to resign

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

The one big “client” Michael Cohen is still hiding

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 20, 2018

Donald Trump has total meltdown about a nonexistent person named “Wendy”

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

Now we know why Donald Trump has been going berserk about the Washington Post this week

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

The dead giveaway that Michael Cohen is flipping on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

Tammy Duckworth’s baby dilemma  – there’s an app for that

By Wendy Luxenburg | Apr 20, 2018

What Rudy Giuliani is really going to “negotiate” for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

The FBI may need to bleach its eyes

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 20, 2018

It’s official: Donald Trump is toast

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 20, 2018

It’s all over but the shouting

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

Vladimir Putin taunted Donald Trump about Russian hookers

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

Donald Trump has late night meltdown after James Comey memos backfire on him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

Comey memos reveal FISA surveillance against Michael Flynn while he was working for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2018

This is the part where things get REALLY stupid

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

James Comey’s leaked memos turn out to be really bad – for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Robert Mueller releases the Kraken on Paul Manafort and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

If Rod Rosenstein laid a trap for Republicans in Congress, one of them just took the bait

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Is Rudy Giuliani negotiating Donald Trump’s resignation?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Michael Cohen has seven more “clients” beyond Donald Trump and Sean Hannity

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 19, 2018

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