Donald Trump’s Fox & Friends meltdown gave something away about what’s really wrong with him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2018

It’s one of those laugh-out-loud days

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2018

Donald Trump may have unwittingly given a gift to Melania after all

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 27, 2018

Donald Trump tried to create a distraction with bizarre rant about soccer. It didn’t go well.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 27, 2018

Donald Trump just made things even worse with Melania

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Michael Cohen has confessed to being in the Russian mafia

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 26, 2018

FBI has seized sixteen cellphones from Michael Cohen. Here’s what that means.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Special Master has been appointed in Donald Trump’s criminal scandal – and it’s bad news for Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

The odds of Michael Cohen flipping on Donald Trump just went way, way up

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Donald Trump puts both hands on the wheel of the crazy train

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Donald Trump nearly confirms the Pee Pee Tape during Fox & Friends meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Lordy, it no longer matters if there are tapes

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 26, 2018

Fox & Friends cuts off interview with Donald Trump after he goes off the rails

By Gina Bradbury | Apr 26, 2018

Donald Trump tries to throw Michael Cohen under the bus, misses, throws himself under the bus instead

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Donald Trump melts down on Fox & Friends, costing himself a court ruling in Michael Cohen scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Donald Trump vs Melania Trump takes an even uglier turn

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Donald Trump swung and missed on Michael Cohen pleading the Fifth

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

GOP Senate candidate launches berserk attack on Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Michael Cohen is pleading the Fifth. Here’s what happens to him now.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 26, 2018

Melania Trump slams Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

Donald Trump would like to have this remark back about pleading the Fifth

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

Supreme Court Justice addresses matter related to Robert Mueller and Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s presidency is dead and what we’re seeing now is rigor mortis

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s lawyer finds a new way to screw up in court

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

Donald Trump stunned into silence as everything blows up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

We’ve reached the Fifth Amendment stage of Donald Trump’s demise

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

No wonder Donald Trump was so desperate to create today’s Kanye West distraction

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

Looks like Rudy Giuliani really is trying to negotiate Donald Trump’s exit

By Bill Palmer | Apr 25, 2018

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