The real reason Emmet Flood joined Donald Trump’s sinking ship today

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Rudy Giuliani goes on television, rats out Donald Trump on obstruction and secret payoffs

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Former Trump adviser confirms Robert Mueller knows everything about Trump-Russia treason

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

When it rains on Donald Trump, it pours

By Daniel Cotter | May 2, 2018

Hours after Ty Cobb’s resignation, Donald Trump loses yet another member of his legal team

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Now we know Donald Trump thinks he’s going to be impeached

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Donald Trump’s new hire of attorney Emmet Flood has already backfired on him

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

The real reason Cambridge Analytica just filed for bankruptcy

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the deep end after his lawyer Ty Cobb quits

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump’s lawyer Ty Cobb just quit

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Rod Rosenstein declares war on the Trump allies who are targeting him

By Tim Faulkner | May 2, 2018

Something doesn’t add up about Donald Trump’s raid of Dr. Harold Bornstein

By Daniel Cotter | May 2, 2018

The NRA connection to the Trump-Russia scandal gets even uglier

By Tim Faulkner | May 2, 2018

Donald Trump ruthlessly destroys the lives of three more of his loyalists

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2018

Robert Mueller threatens Donald Trump with the “s” word

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

Looks like Michael Cohen may be even more broke than we thought

By Daniel Cotter | May 1, 2018

The real reason Dr. Harold Bornstein is finally ratting out Donald Trump now

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

It’s time for Roger Stone to panic

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

Dr. Harold Bornstein may have just delivered Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

Donald Trump protests too much and gives something away about Trump-Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

Michael Cohen’s U-haul crash scandal takes him off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

So Rudy Giuliani really did leak Robert Mueller’s Donald Trump interview questions

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

Donald Trump medical raid reveals that he’s hiding something big about his health

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

We told you Donald Trump sold out Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s remaining allies resort to a desperation move

By Daniel Cotter | May 1, 2018

Donald Trump caves yet again

By Bill Palmer | May 1, 2018

The Donald Trump – Ronny Jackson scandal is even uglier than we thought

By Marty Stein | May 1, 2018

All Robert Mueller needs is a seating chart

By J.H. Norton | May 1, 2018

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