The real reason Donald Trump’s CIA nominee Gina Haspel is disqualified

By Virginia Kugel | May 10, 2018

The real reason AT&T confessed so quickly to bribing Donald Trump and Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s pay-to-play presidency exposed

By Gina Bradbury | May 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s North Korea hostage release is not at all what he’s claiming

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

Where all that Micheal Cohen bribe money really ended up going

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

This Michael Cohen disaster just keeps getting better

By Daniel Cotter | May 9, 2018

We told you Russia rigged the vote total for Donald Trump

By Marty Stein | May 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s desperate endgame

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Donald Trump has met an enemy he can’t fire

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Yes, these really are bribes

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Turns out Robert Mueller already has all this Donald Trump – Michael Cohen bribery stuff

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

So much for the secret evil genius strategy

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Why Donald Trump and Michael Cohen are losing this so badly

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Yep, this is the stuff you go to prison for

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Here’s the part where Donald Trump goes even more berserk

By Tim Faulkner | May 9, 2018

Why Senate Republicans chose now to kneecap Donald Trump on Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Iran places its bets on Donald Trump not lasting much longer

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

The Senate just basically admitted Russia rigged the vote totals for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2018

Robert Mueller might die laughing

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

Now we know why Donald Trump tried so desperately to distract us today

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

AT&T admits it bribed Michael Cohen to gain influence with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

Here’s who just took over the New York State investigation into Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | May 8, 2018

Exposed: secret money pipeline from the Kremlin through Michael Cohen to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

New bombshell ties Michael Cohen to large sums of Kremlin money

By Daniel Cotter | May 8, 2018

Robert Mueller and Rick Gates have something new cooking against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump just bailed on the Iran deal

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s quid pro quo

By J.H. Norton | May 8, 2018

Donald Trump finally figures out – too late – that Rudy Giuliani has screwed him over

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2018

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