I’m with her.

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

GOP Senator hints that Jeff Sessions is toast

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

This is even uglier than I was prepared for

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

Heads begin to roll over Donald Trump’s AT&T bribery scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

Rudy Giuliani jumps in and makes the AT&T bribery scandal even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

How Robert Mueller knew Ford Motor Company rejected Michael Cohen’s request for a Donald Trump bribe

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

Here comes the Donald Trump bribery avalanche

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

How Robert Mueller has stayed so far ahead of everyone on Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

Donald Trump’s most dangerous addiction

By Virginia Kugel | May 12, 2018

The Trump-Cohen scandal takes an even uglier turn in New York

By Daniel Cotter | May 12, 2018

Where Donald Trump’s inauguration money really went

By J.H. Norton | May 12, 2018

Donald Trump has a sad

By Bill Palmer | May 12, 2018

Rudy Giuliani goes even more berserk as it all falls apart

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

Oh come on, no one is this stupid

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump sat on the abuse claims against Eric Schneiderman for five years

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

Mike Pence connected to Russian oligarch who paid off Donald Trump and Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the deep end about AT&T bribe money

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

Robert Mueller is investigating crimes Donald Trump committed during his inauguration

By Daniel Cotter | May 11, 2018

It’s finally Mike Pence’s time in the Trump-Russia barrel

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

Michael Cohen isn’t the only one

By J.H. Norton | May 11, 2018

Donald Trump isn’t going to survive this one

By Bill Palmer | May 11, 2018

Here come the rest of the Donald Trump bribes

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

See you later, Rudy Giuliani

By Daniel Cotter | May 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s telling reaction to the Michael Cohen bribes

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

Mike Pence just gave away that he knows he’s going down in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

Now we know why Donald Trump “won” all four surprise swing states by the same one percent

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

Robert Mueller is at least six months ahead of where we thought he was

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

Michael Cohen’s evil twin skippy

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2018

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