Michael Cohen’s bribery scheme just got traced directly back to Donald Trump and his kids

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

Donald Trump thinks Mike Pence is plotting some kind of coup

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

Kim Jong-Un just played Donald Trump for a fool

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

New trouble between Donald and Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

The real reason Mike Pence is going down

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump hasn’t even bothered to try pardoning his Trump Russia co-conspirators

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

Donald Trump reveals he truly has no idea how any of this works

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s increasingly ugly “opposition research” tactics

By Daniel Cotter | May 15, 2018

Donald Trump throws Rudy Giuliani under the bus

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s latest criminal scandal “will redefine ugly”

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Yeah, they really are going to prison

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Here’s the half billion dollar Chinese bribe that explains Donald Trump’s sudden interest in ZTE

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Donald Trump, his new ZTE deal, and the Trump Russia dossier

By Daniel Cotter | May 14, 2018

Robert Mueller’s grand jury closes in on Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Donald Trump gives away that he’s worried about treason charges

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Looks like Michael Avenatti just confirmed a key piece of the Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Donald Trump tips off what he now fears most

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Robert Mueller already knows about Michael Cohen’s big Trump Tower bribery meeting

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Donald Trump has reached the point where he’s just confessing everything

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

Why the mainstream media is trying to limit the scope of the Trump-Cohen bribery scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2018

The goon squad rides again, this time on Uber

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

So much for the notion that Donald Trump didn’t know about Michael Cohen’s antics

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn caught meeting with alleged briber at Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

Donald Trump goes even further down the cellphone company bribery rabbit hole with ZTE

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s AT&T bribe that everyone missed

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

Robert Mueller might as well go on vacation

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

Rudy blows it again

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

Wow is this guy stupid

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2018

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