Donald Trump is messing with the wrong people

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Donald Trump Jr has a “Watergate” problem

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Donald Trump’s swamp gas

By Tim Faulkner | May 21, 2018

Roger Stone is about to be arrested. Here’s what he’s facing.

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Donald Trump reveals just how scared he is of Roger Stone’s arrest

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Rudy Giuliani’s latest lie about Robert Mueller gives away something big

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Rod Rosenstein takes one for the team

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Roger Stone acknowledges he’s about to be arrested, and gives something away in the process

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s monstrous “I hereby demand” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Rudy Giuliani’s endgame

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Yeah, Donald Trump is senile

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Donald Trump is a defeated whiner

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Here’s there part where Erik Prince perjured himself about Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | May 20, 2018

The real reason for Donald Trump’s weird “Melanie” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

Donald Trump Jr’s telling reaction to the discovery of his second Trump Tower treason meeting

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2018

“We’re stuck with Trump” is the new “Robert Mueller is about to get fired”

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Sorry, Michael Cohen, but that pardon isn’t happening

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Is Donald Trump trying to get rid of Melania Trump?

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Now we know why Robert Mueller gave immunity to Trump-Russia figure George Nader

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

No, you idiot, the FBI wasn’t “spying” on you

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Robert Mueller has Donald Trump Jr nailed for a second Trump Tower treason meeting

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Donald Trump posts horrible tweet about Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Donald Trump and Michael Cohen just poked Michael Avenatti in the eye, then immediately regretted it

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Roger Stone circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Donald Trump has decided that either he’s going down or is going down

By Daniel Cotter | May 19, 2018

Michael Cohen cracks under the pressure

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s lawyers make startling admission in Trump-Russia lawsuit

By Daniel Cotter | May 19, 2018

Donald Trump quickly caves to Kim Jong Un

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2018

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