Trump and the GOP settle on a (deranged) strategy for 2018

By J.H. Norton | May 23, 2018

Say hello to Elliott Broidy, the new centerpiece of Donald Trump’s scandals

By Daniel Cotter | May 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s mental breakdown is complete

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Donald and the Russian bots

By Tim Faulkner | May 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s gullibility reaches new heights

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Donald Trump sounds like the Unabomber

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Roger Stone wigs out on Donald Trump ahead of his arrest

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Looks like Michael Cohen may have tried to take bribe from public official

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Michael Avenatti catches Michael Cohen in the act

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Robert Mueller is having an amazing seventy-two hours

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Donald Trump just got run over by the Taxi King

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

The odds of Michael Cohen cutting a plea deal against Donald Trump just skyrocketed

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Hush money or not, Hope Hicks is still looking at prison

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Ivanka Trump has a money laundering problem

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Yeah, Donald Trump Jr is going to die in prison

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Donald Trump now says it’s all “too inconvenient” for him

By Tim Faulkner | May 22, 2018

Donald Trump’s Freudian slip

By Daniel Cotter | May 22, 2018

Donald Trump tips off that he’s worried about going to prison

By Tim Faulkner | May 22, 2018

There is no magic wand

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2018

Rod Rosenstein’s backdoor interrogation of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Confirmed: Rudy Giuliani’s story was “entirely made up”

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Donald Trump, and the prisoner’s dilemma

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Donald Trump’s hush money to Hope Hicks exposed

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

How we all got snookered by the Melania Trump hospital scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Donald Trump reveals his sheer panicked desperation

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Robert Mueller and the FBI have been quietly targeting Ivanka Trump all along

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Rod Rosenstein’s brilliant head fake against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

Robert Mueller has Rudy Giuliani cornered

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2018

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