Donald Trump’s Elliott Broidy mess comes into focus

By Daniel Cotter | May 25, 2018

The biggest mistake of Donald Trump’s life

By Tim Faulkner | May 25, 2018

Donald Trump takes his ball and goes home

By Daniel Cotter | May 25, 2018

Roger Stone is even more screwed than we thought

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

Death by a thousand cuts

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

Rudy Giuliani is reduced to speaking in tongues

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Donald Trump day is having his worst day ever, and it keeps getting worse for him

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Here comes Robert Mueller’s takedown of Julian Assange

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Yet another friend of Roger Stone sells him out ahead of his arrest

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Robert Mueller fires back at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Now we know why Roger Stone has been babbling about “espionage”

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

How long will we be laughing at Trump over his failure with Rocket Man? I think it’s gonna be a long, long time.

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Michael Avenatti: here come the “fireworks”

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Congressman confirms the real reason Jared Kushner got his security clearance back

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Rudy Giuliani admits it’s all going south with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump canceled his meeting with Kim Jong-Un

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

How the media totally blew the Robert Mueller – Jared Kushner interview

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Ahead of his arrest, Roger Stone goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Michael Cohen caught up in another ugly bribe scandal

By Daniel Cotter | May 24, 2018

Donald Trump’s Fox and Friends interview this morning was a total bust

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Robert Mueller says he’s done with George Papadopoulos, and it means someone big is about to get indicted

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2018

Here’s who Jared Kushner really sold out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Everything is suddenly going wrong for Donald Trump that can go wrong

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

It sounds like Robert Mueller is investigating Alex Jones for his role in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Donald Trump reveals how scared he is of Jared Kushner’s testimony to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

How Michael Avenatti knows about the Trump-Cohen tapes

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

How we knew Roger Stone was going to be arrested

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

Michael Flynn Jr goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2018

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