Donald Trump throws his entire campaign under the bus

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

The real reason Rudy Giuliani became Donald Trump’s legal liaison to the media

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

The hot new trend in the Trump-Russia scandal: divorce ahead of prison

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

Donald Trump is sad that we saw right through his latest antics

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

“They’ll never go to prison.” Yes they will.

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

Donald Trump Jr is confused

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

How Roger Stone’s murder threat impacts his plea deal against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

Melania Trump hints at divorce. Here’s what that could mean for Donald Trump’s criminal scandals.

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

Stupid is as stupid does

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

Twitter has begun inappropriately suspending several Donald Trump critics – including Palmer Report

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

The Melania Trump disappearing act story takes a jarring turn

By Bill Palmer | May 27, 2018

Donald Trump’s dumpster fire of a week concludes with an all-time low

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Well we’re in it now

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Welcome to the child genocide phase of the Donald Trump debacle

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Donald Trump has a cow

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Donald Trump proves he’ll throw any of his own people under the bus

By J.H. Norton | May 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s bizarre new lie about Melania Trump heightens the mystery of her ongoing vanishing act

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Ivanka Trump and the never ending “coincidences”

By Daniel Cotter | May 26, 2018

Donald Trump gets busted and goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Ahead of his arrest, Roger Stone threatens to murder a witness against him

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s strategy to save himself is falling apart

By J.H. Norton | May 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s magical disappearing and reappearing North Korea summit

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2018

Melania Trump has gone missing

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

Julian Assange is now frantically trying to sell out Donald Trump and Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

FBI has obtained wiretaps connecting Donald Trump Jr to the Kremlin

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

Mike Pence finds a whole new way to sabotage Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and the Robert Mueller grand jury

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

Avenatti: Rudy Giuliani is lying yet again

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2018

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