Donald Trump’s day of idiocy

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Robert Mueller is squeezing Jared Kushner like a grape, and the entire Trump family is suddenly up in arms

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Roger Stone’s arrest is officially on deck

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Melania Trump’s disappearance becomes a family affair

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

New disclosures create a whole new problem for Michael Cohen, his attorney, and Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 1, 2018

Sorry, Donald, it’s too late

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Roger Stone protests too much and gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Why Donald Trump’s lawyers keep losing

By J.H. Norton | Jun 1, 2018

John Boehner weighs in on Melania Trump’s disappearance

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

I’m sick of this sexist double standard

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s rape scandal comes back to haunt him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

Trump’s henchmen aren’t buying his pardon scam

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Donald Trump’s senility defense falls flat

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Pardon me while I burst into flames

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

We told you Donald Trump wrote Melania Trump’s latest tweet

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Donald Trump’s end of days

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump just pardoned Dinesh D’Souza

By Daniel Cotter | May 31, 2018

Donald Trump heightens his desperation to distract us from the big bombshell

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Michael Cohen just got run through a shredder

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Roger Stone and Paul Manafort suddenly have one alarming thing in common

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Here comes the big shoe dropping

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2018

Coke is it? Donald Trump has been ranting for the past fifteen hours

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

NFL owner sells out Donald Trump under oath

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions are all suddenly obsessed with prison

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

Now we know why Donald Trump hasn’t even tried to fire Jeff Sessions or Rod Rosenstein

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

Melania Trump posts bizarre tweet, makes her disappearance even more suspicious

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

Lordy there are Trump tapes – and Michael Avenatti just blew it wide open

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

Donald Trump is spending the day desperately trying to distract us from what’s about to drop

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2018

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