The truly jarring part about Melania Trump’s disappearing act

By Bill Palmer | Jun 4, 2018

Is today the day for Paul Manafort?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 4, 2018

Now the White House claims Melania Trump will magically reappear today – at an event closed to the press

By Bill Palmer | Jun 4, 2018

Reporter claims he’s spotted Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

White House scrambles after circumstances of Melania Trump’s disappearance become even more alarming

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump just went berserk about Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

When it comes to Melania Trump’s disappearance, it’s fair to assume the worst – and then some

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

Donald Trump may have just sent Hope Hicks to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

Donald Trump’s confession memo means he’s even further gone than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

Rudy Giuliani picks the worst possible time to go barking mad

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

Turns out Donald Trump has been ghost-tweeting for Melania for quite some time

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

No wonder Donald Trump is losing

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

The thing that most people missed about the Donald Trump confidential memo story

By Bill Palmer | Jun 3, 2018

Donald Trump gives away that he’s the one who leaked his confidential memo to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Melania Trump: alive or dead?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Donald Trump is malfunctioning on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

The real upshot of Donald Trump’s confidential memo to Robert Mueller: it didn’t work!

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Donald Trump’s confidential memo to Robert Mueller reveals Trump is very stupid and very guilty

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Inside Donald Trump’s ill-fated confidential memo

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 2, 2018

Ivanka Trump’s whole life just went to hell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump remind us yet again that they’re idiots

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Michael Avenatti says Donald Trump tapes are “a whole different level”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

How Donald Trump blew it on North Korea

By J.H. Norton | Jun 2, 2018

Melania isn’t the only Trump wife running for the hills

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

The Trump family’s disastrous weekend is a mix of “Panic Room” and “Home Alone”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

Donald Trump takes his villainy to a whole new level

By Bill Palmer | Jun 2, 2018

The lights are on in Trump’s head, but no one’s home

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

No wonder Donald Trump has been going bonkers trying to distract us

By Bill Palmer | Jun 1, 2018

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