Why Robert Mueller’s new charges against Konstantin Kilimnik are such a big Trump-Russia deal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2018

The Rudy stands alone

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s indictment of James Wolfe is full of holes

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2018

Donald Trump just stupidly set a precedent that’ll ensure the people closest to him end up in prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2018

Donald Trump begins his Battle of the Bulge. He’ll lose.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 8, 2018

Donald Trump goes for broke, seizes New York Times phone and email records

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Donald Trump launches into jealous rage about Justin Trudeau

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Michael Cohen’s friend hints at Cohen going “nuclear” against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Melania Trump slam dunks Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Trump isn’t even trying to hide it anymore

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Donald Trump isn’t taking the news well about Melania and Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Sean Hannity’s allies scramble to do damage control after he commits on-air felony

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Is this why Tiffany Trump was at Ivanka Trump’s side this weekend?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

DACA gets a major boost from the most unlikely of sources

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 7, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump’s campaign data firm Cambridge Analytica met with Julian Assange

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 7, 2018

Donald Trump’s entire family just imploded

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Sean Hannity just went berserk on-air about Trump-Russia, and probably sent himself to prison in the process

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

Robert Mueller gets Trump-Russia witnesses to fold after busting Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Jun 7, 2018

The President of the United States just had to announce that he didn’t beat up his wife

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Now we know why Melania Trump has suddenly reemerged, and what she’s trying to cover up

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Michael Cohen may have to give up Ivanka Trump to get a plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Sean Hannity just got busted open like a piñata

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Melania Trump allegedly met with Michael Cohen to plot against Stormy Daniels

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Ivanka Trump is knee deep in the Trump Russia scandal after all – and Robert Mueller has her emails

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Donald Trump has meltdown about Melania Trump’s disappearance and gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Mitch McConnell hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | Jun 6, 2018

Donald Trump facing seven hour deposition in court

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 6, 2018

Putin is getting everything he wants out of Trump – or is he?

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 6, 2018

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