Donald Trump’s base goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Donald Trump celebrates his own demise

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Even Mike Pence and the GOP Congress are exasperated at how badly Donald Trump screwed up North Korea

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Donald Trump makes stunning admission about his North Korea agreement

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

Yep, Donald Trump is going to die in prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

Donald Trump realizes no one is buying his North Korea farce, tries to distract from it by attacking Robert De Niro

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

Michael Cohen says he’s days away from arrest; Trump’s people think he’s going to flip

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

The worst deal in United States history

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

These two stooges deserve each other

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

Donald Trump gloats over the worst kind of “victory”

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 12, 2018

Ahead of his arrest, Roger Stone returns to the scene of the crime

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

How the media is totally botching the Trump-Kim summit

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2018

Kim Jong Un just played Donald Trump for the fool that he is. Now what?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Donald Trump makes bizarre move on Russian sanctions in midst of North Korea summit

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Donald Trump just royally screwed up Vladimir Putin’s instructions

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s latest insane tweet about North Korea

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

We’re days away from the prison phase of Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

We told you Donald Trump was physically struggling to get through the G7

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Donald Trump’s North Korea summit is already falling apart

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Former Fox News analyst slam dunks Donald Trump and Sean Hannity

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 11, 2018

Fallout continues from Donald Trump’s G7 disaster

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 11, 2018

Trump-Russia figure vanishes as Robert Mueller closes in

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 11, 2018

Sean Hannity tries to walk back his Trump-Russia obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Donald Trump has no friends

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2018

Robert de Niro just used the Tony Awards to say what we’re all thinking about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2018

While at North Korea summit, Donald Trump has another berserk meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2018

Trump’s handlers are already trying to lower expectations for his Kim Jong Un meeting

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2018

Why real Americans are rooting for Donald Trump to fail with North Korea

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2018

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