Here’s the thing about New York State’s new lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after Trump Foundation gets nailed for election fraud

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Third key Donald Trump official has decided to resign in wake of Michael Cohen plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

The surest sign yet that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a goner

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has meltdown at the podium

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Rudy Giuliani just basically admitted that Donald Trump was in on the Russia thing

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

White supremacists, pimps, and child molesters: say hello to Trump’s Republican Party

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 14, 2018

Donald Trump reveals that his cognitive abilities are just about gone

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

RNC Chair goes berserk after learning that Michael Cohen is flipping on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Donald Trump is wishing he’d stayed in Singapore

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 14, 2018

Michael Cohen’s plea deal and his financial dispute with Trump and his lawyers, explained

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Now we’re getting somewhere

By Bill Palmer | Jun 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes off the deep end after it’s revealed that she’s quitting the White House

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Here come the Trump-Cohen tapes

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

The big rats are suddenly fleeing Donald Trump’s sinking White House

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Ivanka Trump’s day just got even worse

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Donald Trump’s White House Counsel Don McGahn secretly recused himself a year ago

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Robert Mueller just confirmed the identities of Paul Manafort’s “Person D1” and “Person D2”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Donald Trump can’t pardon his way out of the Michael Cohen plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Michael Cohen, who is cutting a plea deal against Donald Trump, will have to give up Ivanka Trump too

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Everything about Trump-Russia will change on Friday

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Michael Cohen and his Trump-friendly lawyers appear to be floating disinformation about his plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Yes, Michael Cohen is still going to prison for a long time

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Fox News panics as Trump circles the drain

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 13, 2018

President Obama’s legacy just got further cemented into place

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

The real reason Michael Cohen has decided to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 13, 2018

Donald Trump’s sinking ship is leaking

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 13, 2018

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