Roger Stone’s final countdown

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Donald Trump, Kirstjen Nielsen, John Kelly, Stephen Miller, and Jeff Sessions: Monsters Inc.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Robert Mueller is targeting Stephen Miller

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Donald Trump backs himself into a no-win corner

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

How Stephen Miller blew it

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Donald Trump can’t keep up with his own lies

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 18, 2018

Michael Cohen’s family makes major move ahead of his reported plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

This is all so pitifully predictable

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Michael Avenatti enters legal fight to stop Donald Trump’s abuse of immigrant kids

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Former First Lady Laura Bush demolishes Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Donald Trump goes nuts about Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Donald Trump has late night meltdown after new Trump-Russia bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

The real reason Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos and Rick Gates aren’t in prison yet

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Donald Trump and Stephen Miller crash and burn

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Three crucial Trump-Russia details Roger Stone just gave away

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Rudy Giuliani has meltdown about Donald Trump’s impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Donald Trump goes off deep end after Roger Stone confesses about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s goons don’t know what hit them

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Judge tells off Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

American Hitler

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2018

Melania Trump pulls a fast one

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

Stephen Miller is rapidly heading for a very ugly end

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

Has Paul Manafort really been classified as a “VIP” in jail?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

Vladimir Putin’s big Trump-Russia mistake comes back to haunt him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

The dead giveaway that Michael Cohen is working on a plea deal against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s mouth betrays him yet again on immigrant child concentration camps

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

Michael Cohen reaches his breaking point

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

Rudy Giuliani gives away that Donald Trump is conning his own people about Trump-Russia pardons

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2018

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