Donald Trump, you sick twisted psychopath

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Here’s the thing about those errant “manslaughter” charges against Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Donald Trump backs down on children in cages, revealing how vulnerable he is. Now it’s time to finish him off.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

The Michael Cohen just resigned from the RNC in protest of Donald Trump. Here’s what’s really going on.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

America comes out swinging against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Trump’s “campaign manager” Brad Parscale makes desperate move

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Resignations, cancelations: something has gone very wrong with Donald Trump’s agreement with Kim Jong Un

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Melania Trump posts shamefully tone-deaf tweet about children

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Sorry, Donald Trump, the United States does not negotiate with terrorists

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

Here’s the thing about Rachel Maddow’s stunning on-air moment

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Donald Trump goes on rant after protesters confront Kirstjen Nielsen at her dinner table in a restaurant

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Rudy Giuliani admits he’s under DOJ investigation

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Welcome to Donald Trump’s fourth quarter

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Donald Trump has unleashed a tidal wave against him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Nikki Haley goes to Hell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Michael Cohen makes major move after Donald Trump disses him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Jeff Sessions makes horrible remark about Jews and Nazi concentration camps

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s henchmen in the Trump-Russia scandal are even bigger idiots than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Donald Trump has stunning Hitler-like meltdown about immigrants

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Somebody get this guy a straitjacket

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 19, 2018

Robert Mueller’s smoking gun

By J.H. Norton | Jun 19, 2018

It’s about to get all stupid up in here

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 19, 2018

After realizing he’s under criminal investigation, Rudy Giuliani panics and backs down

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

“Make America White Again”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Donald Trump is a monster wimp

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2018

Every former U.S. First Lady tells Donald Trump to go to hell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

When you’ve lost Ted Cruz…

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

Donald Trump’s last stand

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2018

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