Donald Trump admits he blew it with North Korea

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

Donald Trump is already building his defense for when he’s put on trial

By J.H. Norton | Jun 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s rant about “produce” goes horribly awry

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has gone AWOL

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Protesters confront Kirstjen Nielsen at her home

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Melania Trump might take Donald Trump down all by herself

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Michael Cohen just got his butt handed to him by federal judge

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Michael Cohen’s wife goes off on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Paul Manafort’s last stand just collapsed

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Here’s the thing about this Michael Cohen and Tom Arnold story

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

Stephen Miller has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

How does Donald Trump find these idiots?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2018

The Feds take a blowtorch to everyone around Michael Cohen as he prepares to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Supreme Court rules on who Donald Trump can and can’t fire

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 21, 2018

Kirstjen Nielsen opens her mouth and screws up Donald Trump’s child cage scheme

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Donald Trump just got his ass kicked

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after Melania Trump’s child cage stunt turns into a disaster

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Donald Trump campaign caught red handed in DNC email theft

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

After his immigration bill fails, Donald Trump goes on demented rant about Democrats running child smuggling rings

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Ivanka Trump, how dare you

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

We told you Michael Cohen is going to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Melania Trump really did wear an “I really don’t care” jacket while on her way to visiting immigrant kids in cages

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown at Minnesota rally

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Even some of Trump’s cheerleaders are running away from him

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 21, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is toast

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Donald Trump’s sinking base resorts to pure delusion

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

As Donald Trump’s White House collapses, Kellyanne Conway sneaks out the back door – literally

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2018

Donald Trump is cashing out

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2018

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