U.S. troops lash out at Donald Trump’s child concentration camps, setting stage for unprecedented conflict

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after Senate Intel leader confirms it’s Mueller Time

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Robert Mueller lands Erik Prince as a cooperating witness against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Donald Trump has meltdown on Air Force One with Stephen Miller

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

The Melania Trump scandal gets even stranger

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders runs and hides again

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Robert Mueller zeroes in on the indictment and arrest of Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the deep end about his immigrant child cages

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Jimmy Fallon has the perfect response after Donald Trump tries to distract us from his child cages by attacking him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s advisers are having the worst week ever

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s distraction machine crashes and burns

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

There’s something weird going on with Stormy Daniels’ meeting with the Feds about Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2018

Donald Trump resorts to writing checks he can’t cash

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

Donald Trump tips off that a major bombshell scandal is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s descent into Hitler

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

Stephen Miller confronted in restaurant

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

Donald Trump goes utterly berserk after his immigration gambit fails

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

Donald Trump’s Nevada rally is a deranged disaster

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

Donald Trump’s latest scheme gets blown wide open

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 24, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders restaurant stunt blows up in her face

By Bill Palmer | Jun 24, 2018

What makes Sarah Huckabee Sanders so truly horrifying

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

For Donald Trump, this is what losing looks like

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

Here’s the thing everyone missed about Sarah Huckabee Sanders getting thrown out of a restaurant

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

Americans are mad as hell at Trump’s Nazi regime, and they’re not going to take it anymore

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

After getting shot down in court, Paul Manafort makes desperation move involving Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

Another Trump adviser behind bars: George Papadopoulos prison sentencing date has been set

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

Michael Cohen responds to Tom Arnold’s revelations

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

What Donald Trump is trying to hide about his child camps from the Red Cross

By Bill Palmer | Jun 23, 2018

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