Rod Rosenstein confirms Donald Trump’s worst fear

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Donald Trump makes ignorant statement after mass shooting at Annapolis newspaper office

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

What Donald Trump’s “I’m not going anywhere” meltdown really tells us

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Rod Rosenstein humiliates GOP Congressman Jim Jordan on live national television

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

The Democrats may have just been handed their “Get out the vote” message

By J.H. Norton | Jun 28, 2018

Donald Trump makes disgusting new hire

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 28, 2018

The only guaranteed loser in this mess: Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Donald Trump descends into late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Now we know why that report surfaced that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is planning to resign

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

How John McCain can save us all

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Robert Mueller begins using the Paul Manafort trial to expose Donald Trump’s guilt

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Yes, this Supreme Court thing could totally blow up in Donald Trump’s face

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Something doesn’t add up about Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s resignation

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

If Donald Trump was afraid of the Resistance before…

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Judge slams the door in Paul Manafort’s face

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring, but it doesn’t have to play out like Trump is hoping

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Michael Cohen takes his last best shot, and it gives something away about the evidence against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

Well, we’re in it now

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2018

The telltale sign that Donald Trump knows his goose is cooked

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is escalating his evil: he’s running out of time and he knows it

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

Here’s the thing about the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump’s family

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

Roger Stone throws a fit ahead of his arrest

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

It’s Mueller Time. Here’s what happens now.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

James Comey was fired after foiling Donald Trump’s plot with the Russians to get Julian Assange off the hook

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2018

Donald Trump has a James Mattis problem

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 26, 2018

Sorry, Trump, that’s not how any of this works

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s pardon conundrum

By Tim Faulkner | Jun 26, 2018

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