Michael Cohen’s end of days

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

Robert Mueller’s window of opportunity during the Supreme Court vacancy

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s goons reach their breaking point

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s deal with Kim Jong Un goes up in flames

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

Robert Mueller keeps scoring big wins against Donald Trump – and yes it still matters

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Fact check: did GOP Senator Jeff Flake actually say he’ll vote for Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee?

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Richard Painter floats novel idea for derailing Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Donald Trump just made a huge mistake with Maxine Waters

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Donald Trump throws his own House GOP ally under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Looks like Rudy Giuliani is aiming for one last big overseas payday before Robert Mueller gets him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Donald Trump’s fatal flaw

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

New development suggests Ivanka Trump may be the next to go

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Donald Trump steps on the gas as the wheels come off

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

Donald Trump knows he’s overplayed his hand

By Bill Palmer | Jun 30, 2018

You get a prison sentence, you get a prison sentence, you get a prison sentence…

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

Michael Cohen’s endgame against Donald Trump just keeps getting weirder

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

Floundering Paul Manafort reduced to throwing things at the wall

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

Ted Cruz makes panic move as Beto O’Rourke closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

The real reason Rudy Giuliani has suddenly gone deafeningly silent

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

Donald Trump just got some bad news from Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

Donald Trump’s suspicious ties to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy and his family revealed

By Daniel Cotter | Jun 29, 2018

House GOP seems to think Robert Mueller is about to drop the hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

GOP Senator Jeff Flake may have just tipped off his Supreme Court vote

By Bill Palmer | Jun 29, 2018

Sorry, Donald, criminal suspects don’t get to pick which judge decides their fate

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Robert Mueller may have finally figured out how to crack Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Looks like John Kelly and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are both bailing out of Donald Trump’s sinking White House

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Donald Trump can’t stop Robert Mueller now

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

Sean Hannity goes berserk after Donald Trump blamed for Annapolis newspaper shooting

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2018

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