Donald Trump’s child concentration camps take an even uglier turn

By Bruce C. Cohen | Jul 4, 2018

Michael Cohen’s other client makes telling new move

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 4, 2018

Amid explosive revelations from Senate Intel Committee, Donald Trump seeks new instructions from Putin

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2018

After his illiterate meltdown, Donald Trump gets called out by unexpected source

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2018

Jim Jordan’s sexual abuse scandal gets even uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 4, 2018

Democratic challenger Janet Garrett speaks out about GOP Congressman Jim Jordan’s sex abuse scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

Major shift in SDNY personnel suggests the Michael Cohen thing really is about to happen

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

It looks like Donald Trump has finally decided to sacrifice Scott Pruitt

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

Donald Trump has surreal meltdown after his GOP ally Jim Jordan gets caught in sex abuse scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

John Dean explains why it’s too late for Donald Trump to stop Michael Cohen from flipping

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

How Rep. Jim Jordan’s sex abuse scandal impacts Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

The real reason Alan Dershowitz is flipping out about Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 3, 2018

Michael Avenatti draws the line with Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Jul 3, 2018

Federal judge hauls in Michael Flynn after latest Robert Mueller filing

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

On verge of plea deal, Michael Cohen isn’t even bothering to try to win his court case anymore

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Official White House Twitter account has bizarre meltdown about Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

You’re darn right Robert Mueller is investigating Anthony Kennedy’s connection to Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Reporter calls out Sarah Huckabee Sanders to her face over Donald Trump’s lies

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Michael Cohen just made a move that changes everything

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

No, Donald Trump, we won’t “take it easy”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Now we know why Donald Trump responded the way he did to the Annapolis newspaper shooting

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Comedian who pranked Donald Trump on the phone now says the Secret Service is targeting him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Michael Avenatti explains why Michael Cohen is even “dumber than I thought”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 2, 2018

Donald Trump Jr gets into bed with the Russian bots

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

Supreme Court’s Anthony Kennedy gets swallowed up by Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

“My silence is broken” – Michael Cohen is spilling his guts

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

Donald Trump makes panic move over Hope Hicks, and gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

The Trump-Republican facade begins to crack

By Bill Palmer | Jul 1, 2018

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