The real reason so many women are still supporting Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Jul 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s immigrant child cage scandal takes an even darker turn

By Amy Fowler | Jul 10, 2018

Meet Donald Trump’s disastrous Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 10, 2018

Roger Stone has meltdown about Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh stumbles out of the gate

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Susan Collins reveals she’s scared to death of us in the Supreme Court fight

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s presidency died today

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s rape culture

By Amy Fowler | Jul 9, 2018

Michael Cohen’s new lawyer begins attacking Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Ivanka Trump is cheating

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 9, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller is going after John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s hot air rallies run out of gas

By Virginia Masters | Jul 9, 2018

Stephen Miller gets owned

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Here comes Donald Trump’s week long rampage

By Amy Fowler | Jul 9, 2018

Donald Trump waves the white flag on Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Jul 9, 2018

Things just got real between Donald Trump and Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

Why Steve Bannon is getting special treatment

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s legal team goes off the rails

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 8, 2018

Rudy Giuliani comes out of hiding and confesses to a major new Donald Trump felony

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

Russia-backed “WalkAway” campaign takes jarring new turn on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

How to derail Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

By Bruce C. Cohen | Jul 8, 2018

Michael Avenatti and Congressman Ted Lieu have something cooking together

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

The real story behind Donald Trump’s bizarre claims about DNA testing

By Robert Harrington | Jul 8, 2018

Preet Bharara weighs in with good news for Robert Mueller and bad news for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

Michael Cohen’s last stand grows even stranger

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s allies are already laying the groundwork for Paul Manafort flipping

By Bill Palmer | Jul 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s North Korea deal is toast and so is he

By Bill Palmer | Jul 7, 2018

Donald Trump knows things are going horribly wrong for him, and he’s totally losing it

By Bill Palmer | Jul 7, 2018

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