Michael Cohen makes strange move ahead of his plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is even more of a disaster than we thought

By Virginia Masters | Jul 12, 2018

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman destroys Trey Gowdy and Louie Gohmert to their faces

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

Charges dropped against Stormy Daniels after it’s revealed her arrest last night was a setup

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

We told you Sarah Huckabee Sanders was heading for the door

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

In his immigration battle, Donald Trump officially becomes an “illegal”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

Donald Trump’s problem with women

By Virginia Masters | Jul 12, 2018

Donald Trump’s failed North Korea gambit goes further south

By Amy Fowler | Jul 12, 2018

Donald Trump has total meltdown during NATO summit

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

The real reason Stormy Daniels was just arrested

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

Robert Mueller gave Paul Manafort just enough rope in jail, and it worked

By Bill Palmer | Jul 12, 2018

Trump nominee Brett Kavanaugh caught in surreal financial debt scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2018

Now we’re going to see what Rod Rosenstein is made of

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2018

Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is already in all kinds of trouble

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2018

Paul Manafort’s attorney lines up to testify against him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2018

Donald Trump’s Russia summit is already awash in controversy

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 11, 2018

A dangerous day for democracy

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 11, 2018

The show has reached a new low

By Virginia Masters | Jul 11, 2018

Alan Dershowitz finds a whole new way to jump the shark about Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 11, 2018

Donald Trump is already babbling like an idiot about Russia at the NATO meetings

By Bill Palmer | Jul 11, 2018

Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh caught lying under oath during Senate testimony

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Donald Trump reveals he’s already worried about his scandal-plagued Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Paul Manafort’s plot to get out of jail just blew up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

The Michael Flynn saga just got even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Here’s the paper trail that could derail Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Something about Trump-Russia has suddenly spooked the Brexit leaders into resigning

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Exposed: secret corrupt retirement deal between Anthony Kennedy and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

Ted Lieu rubs it in Stephen Miller’s face

By Bill Palmer | Jul 10, 2018

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