Robert Mueller just revealed why he’ll succeed in taking Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

Rand Paul reveals himself as a Kremlin puppet

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

The House GOP’s Rod Rosenstein impeachment scheme is already unraveling

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

It’s time for Donald Trump Jr and Jared Kushner to panic

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

Donald Trump goes all the way down the rabbit hole

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

Roger Stone has meltdown after realizing he’s going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

Don’t let the Rod Rosenstein impeachment nonsense distract you from the real story

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

We’re no longer connecting the dots from Russian hackers to Donald Trump. It’s now a straight line.

By Bill Palmer | Jul 15, 2018

No, Rod Rosenstein is not about to be removed via impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Melania Trump’s spokesperson caught in bizarre lie

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders throws tantrum about “bad behavior”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Special Master just dumped a ton of bricks on Michael Cohen and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

How Robert Mueller outsmarted Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Robert Mueller’s new Trump-Russia indictments reveal a lot about who’s getting arrested next

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Donald Trump reveals his desperate final Trump-Russia defense

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Donald Trump meets with his handler

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 14, 2018

Donald Trump’s new shame

By Amy Fowler | Jul 14, 2018

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown during UK joint press conference

By Robert Harrington | Jul 14, 2018

GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz, seemingly outed by Donald Trump in Trump-Russia indictments, has close ties to Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Roger Stone changes his story, further incriminates Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 14, 2018

Robert Mueller’s Russian hacker indictments are already causing Donald Trump and his people to unravel

By Bill Palmer | Jul 13, 2018

Roger Stone responds to Mueller indictments by directly incriminating Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 13, 2018

Now we know why so many Republicans in Congress aren’t even bothering to run for reelection

By Bill Palmer | Jul 13, 2018

Robert Mueller just dropped an anvil on Roger Stone’s head

By Bill Palmer | Jul 13, 2018

Robert Mueller just screwed Donald Trump on purpose

By Bill Palmer | Jul 13, 2018

Yesterday’s Peter Strzok circus distracted us from something really important

By Amy Fowler | Jul 13, 2018

Donald Trump turns his UK visit into a disaster for Theresa May

By Robert Harrington | Jul 13, 2018

Blue states launch counterattack against Donald Trump’s most destructive policies

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 13, 2018

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