It’s not just one tape – FBI now has multiple incriminating tapes of Donald Trump and Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Jul 20, 2018

Donald Trump gets played again

By Virginia Masters | Jul 20, 2018

Michael Flynn’s deputy K.T. McFarland is back at the center of the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 20, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is blowing it so badly with Robert Mueller

By J.H. Norton | Jul 20, 2018

Donald Trump just handed the Resistance a major victory

By Bill Palmer | Jul 20, 2018

Jeff Flake might finally be doing something useful to help stop Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 20, 2018

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Jul 19, 2018

Donald Trump screws up and basically admits he was in on the Russian hacking plot

By Robert Harrington | Jul 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s invitation for Putin to visit the White House just opened up a huge opportunity for Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jul 19, 2018

Donald Trump is suddenly showing weakness on judicial nomination

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 19, 2018

Trump’s pal Sheriff David Clarke suddenly has a huge Trump-Russia problem

By Bill Palmer | Jul 19, 2018

Vladimir Putin told us exactly how he’s blackmailing Donald Trump, and everyone missed it

By Bill Palmer | Jul 19, 2018

Robert Mueller’s criminal case against Roger Stone is even uglier than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jul 19, 2018

New York Governor helps clear the path for criminal charges against Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 19, 2018

Paul Manafort loses yet again

By Bill Palmer | Jul 19, 2018

FBI Director Christopher Wray openly defies Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Exposed: Donald Trump knew about Putin all along

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Those Kremlin oligarch donations to Republican Party leaders suddenly make a lot more sense

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

The case for criminal charges against Sarah Huckabee Sanders

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Scott Walker just got sucked into the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

New Maria Butina court filings just made the Trump-Russia scandal a whole lot uglier for the GOP

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Paul Ryan is suddenly in real trouble

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Donald Trump administration scrambles to cover up Trump-Russia-NRA money pipeline

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 18, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has meltdown after Donald Trump changes his treason story yet again

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Donald Trump throws tantrum after nobody buys his treason explanation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

Some history lessons for Donald Trump about what constitutes treason under U.S. case law

By Bruce C. Cohen | Jul 18, 2018

Backdoor into U.S. voting machines revealed

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 18, 2018

Paul Manafort trial – so it is a plea deal or is it the immunity deals?

By Bill Palmer | Jul 18, 2018

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