Sean Hannity seems to be begging Michael Cohen not to release tapes of him

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2018

Did Donald Trump just sell out a U.S. asset to Vladimir Putin?

By Amy Fowler | Jul 25, 2018

As Donald Trump gets caught committing a felony on one tape, he gets caught altering another tape

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 25, 2018

Vladimir Putin, Thief-in-Chief

By Robert Harrington | Jul 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s trade war turns into even more of a disaster

By Bruce C. Cohen | Jul 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s fatal mistake

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2018

Donald Trump tape reveals he’s nothing more than a two-bit thug

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2018

The compelling argument that Rudy Giuliani is purposely trying to take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2018

The real reason Ivanka Trump is shutting down her business

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2018

Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis releases Trump-Cohen tape, and it’s devastating for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2018

Donald Trump goes bonkers about Russian election hacking, gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2018

Ivanka Trump, failure

By Robert Harrington | Jul 24, 2018

Roger Stone cracks up about Trump-Russia investigation, spells his own name wrong

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2018

Russian prostitution ring busted in Trump Tower

By Tim Faulkner | Jul 24, 2018

Donald Trump doubles down on vengeance

By Amy Fowler | Jul 24, 2018

An open letter to the GOP about Donald Trump

By Virginia Masters | Jul 24, 2018

Donald Trump’s spectacularly stupid endgame

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2018

Donald Trump reveals which criminal charge he fears the most

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

You can’t blow it any worse than Donald Trump just blew it with James Clapper

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

Could Rand Paul try any harder to come off like he’s being blackmailed by Donald Trump and Russia?

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a goner: shortlist emerges to replace her

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

Robert Mueller reveals the five Paul Manafort witnesses he’s giving immunity to – and none of them are Tony Podesta

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

Lindsey Graham has bizarre meltdown as Trump-Russia scandal worsens

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s security clearance stunt quickly blows up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

Lordy, there are twelve tapes!

By Daniel Cotter | Jul 23, 2018

In wake of FISA warrant, Carter Page makes stunning Trump-Russia confession

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

So much for the Paul Manafort plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2018

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