Maria Butina confesses her connections to Donald Trump campaign and transition team

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

Donald Trump is having a day from hell

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

Robert Mueller puts final touches on kitchen sink indictment of Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

Melania Trump’s top staffer abruptly quits

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

Donald Trump has bizarre new meltdown about Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

Donald Trump screws up and endorses the wrong candidate

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

There’s nothing normal about this

By Virginia Masters | Aug 3, 2018

How Robert Mueller can indict Donald Trump while he’s still in office

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 3, 2018

Donald Trump runs for the hills

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2018

Donald Trump Jr cracks under the pressure, has deranged meltdown about Nazis

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Sean Hannity circles the drain

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 2, 2018

GOP Senate to Donald Trump: best of luck on your demise

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Robert Mueller just found a whole new way to nail Donald Trump on Russia

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Maria Butina got drunk and spilled the beans

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Roger Stone’s legal prospects just went down the drain

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk about Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Donald Trump’s “treason isn’t a crime” defense isn’t going particularly well for him

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 2, 2018

CNN’s Jim Acosta destroys Sarah Huckabee Sanders to her face

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

What Paul Manafort is really up against

By Robert Harrington | Aug 2, 2018

This could take down Donald Trump faster than anything else

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

We haven’t even gotten to the good part yet

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is suddenly so obsessed with voter ID

By Virginia Masters | Aug 2, 2018

Donald Trump’s match made in Hell

By Robert Harrington | Aug 2, 2018

Donald Trump is in a “dark place” over the Trump-Russia investigation. Just wait til he sees what comes next.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2018

Donald Trump decides he wants to go down in a blaze of glory

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2018

Donald Trump gives something crucial away with his rant about Al Capone

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2018

Robert Mueller goes all-in, and Donald Trump goes out of his mind

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2018

The Paul Manafort trial verdict is coming “much, much sooner” than anyone was expecting

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2018

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