Rudy Giuliani has demented late night freakout

By Bill Palmer | Aug 9, 2018

Jeff Sessions is in deeper legal trouble than we thought

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s latest bizarre meltdown gives something away

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

The real reason Omarosa’s tapes of Donald Trump are so devastating

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

Donald Trump cuts and runs after Robert Mueller calls his bluff

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 8, 2018

Stephen Miller is in deep trouble

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

Donald Trump sells out to the highest bidder

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 8, 2018

Donald Trump gives something away about which of his former underlings he fears the most

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

Michael Cohen goes off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

These people are garbage

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

Donald Trump tries to make excuses after his candidate severely underperforms in special election

By Bill Palmer | Aug 8, 2018

There’s an eerie silence right now

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2018

Robert Mueller hit the jackpot with Rick Gates

By Amy Fowler | Aug 7, 2018

Rick Gates testimony kicks open the door to Donald Trump’s inauguration fundraising scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2018

Rick Gates pushes Paul Manafort to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2018

Rand Paul, Kremlin agent

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 7, 2018

Donald Trump now faces a lose-lose proposition of his own making

By Amy Fowler | Aug 7, 2018

Donald Trump is even dumber than we thought

By Virginia Masters | Aug 7, 2018

Donald Trump Jr circles the drain

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 7, 2018

Team Trump melts down en masse after Rick Gates testifies

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2018

Here’s who will flip on Donald Trump next

By Bill Palmer | Aug 7, 2018

Today taught us a lot about how Donald Trump will go down

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2018

Paul Manafort’s endgame gets desperate

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 6, 2018

Rudy Giuliani has weird freak-out after Rick Gates testifies at Paul Manafort trial

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2018

Mike Pence thinks he’s got this. He doesn’t.

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 6, 2018

The real reason Rick Gates’ testimony today was so devastating to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2018

Rudy Giuliani finds himself in new Trump-Russia legal trouble

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after Rick gates testifies that Paul Manafort is a career criminal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 6, 2018

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