Donald Trump has been sold out

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 19, 2018

Donald Trump swings and misses yet again

By Bill Palmer | Aug 19, 2018

Here’s the thing about that Don McGahn bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Aug 19, 2018

Rudy Giuliani panics and gives something away after learning Don McGahn flipped on Donald Trump a long time ago

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

The real reason Maria Butina was just abruptly moved to Paul Manafort’s jail

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer have also flipped on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Michael Flynn suddenly has a problem – and so does his son

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Donald Trump flips out after learning White House Counsel Don McGahn flipped on him a long time ago

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Palmer Report told you ten months ago that Don McGahn flipped on Donald Trump. Here’s how we knew.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Donald Trump Jr is back from vacation and he’s being as stupid as ever

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Steve Bannon is back front and center in the Donald Trump debacle

By Amy Fowler | Aug 18, 2018

Erik Prince takes one last desperate shot at cashing in on Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 18, 2018

Wife of George Papadopoulos goes off the deep end after Robert Mueller names her in sentencing recommendation

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Another one bites the dust

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Everyone is confused by the length of the George Papadopoulos prison sentence. Here’s what it really means.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Donald Trump goes utterly berserk after George Papadopoulos prison sentence revealed

By Bill Palmer | Aug 18, 2018

Court ruling hands Omarosa major advantage over Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller just recommended a harsh prison sentence for George Papadopoulos

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

Here’s the thing about the Paul Manafort jury

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk about his canceled military parade

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

Donald Trump is nervous

By Daniel Cotter | Aug 17, 2018

Death by a thousand cuts

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

Donald Trump, the infant-king

By Amy Fowler | Aug 17, 2018

Russia now worries about Donald Trump’s downfall

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 17, 2018

The big thing everyone missed in Donald Trump’s latest late-night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the deep end, seeks the arrest of Omarosa

By Bill Palmer | Aug 17, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump just called off his military parade

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2018

The real reason the Paul Manafort jury is inquiring about “reasonable doubt”

By Bill Palmer | Aug 16, 2018

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