Donald Trump has bizarre late night response to Ron DeSantis racism scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

Ivanka Trump takes huge step toward finishing off Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

Robert Mueller wins again, this time in George Papadopoulos case

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

Andrew Gillum slam dunks Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump just announced that Don McGahn will be departing the White House

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

Rick Scott gets caught in the act

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 29, 2018

Paul Manafort is rapidly on his way to losing his second trial

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

Donald Trump’s midnight madness

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2018

Robert Mueller is going straight for the throat of the Trump Organization

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Donald Trump has already lost to Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Donald Trump has been ranting on Twitter for the past seventeen hours

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Donald Trump launches into bizarre late night meltdown involving Russia

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

The real reason the second Paul Manafort trial was just delayed

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Donald Trump’s rant about post-election “violence” is even more deranged than it sounds

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Here’s the thing about last night’s Paul Manafort related burglary

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Donald Trump finds a bizarre new scapegoat as he circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Robert Mueller’s forgotten man

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Trump and the GOP dealt severe new blow in November elections

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 28, 2018

Here’s what happens if Donald Trump Jr does get indicted

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

It’s all downhill from here

By Tim Faulkner | Aug 28, 2018

Paul Manafort is trying to cut a plea deal with Robert Mueller. Here’s what happens next.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2018

Donald Trump comes out swinging, punches himself in the face

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

Rudy Giuliani tells idiotic lie about Robert Mueller – and the mainstream media prints it anyway

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

Ivanka Trump reveals that Donald Trump is rapidly self destructing

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

Right under Donald Trump’s nose

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

Donald Trump knows he’s “cornered” and he’s been reduced to screaming at everyone

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

We told you this week would be even worse for Donald Trump – and it is already

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

Ted Cruz has late-night meltdown as Beto O’Rourke surges in popularity

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2018

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