Feels like Brett Kavanaugh is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

Sorry, Donald, that’s not how any of this works

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

George Papadopoulos 14 day prison sentence has opened the floodgates for Donald Trump’s people to sell him out

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk, attacks Sean Hannity

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

Paul Manafort is negotiating a plea deal against Donald Trump after all

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

George Papadopoulos receives surprisingly short prison sentence after making new accusations against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

Randy Credico gets poetic revenge on Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

Donald Trump’s Danger Days

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 7, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump can’t resign

By Robert Harrington | Sep 7, 2018

Donald Trump’s dirty dozen traitors

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2018

Donald Trump gives berserk new interview to Fox News

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Donald Trump gives deranged speech about anonymous op-ed, slurs his words while insisting he’s not insane

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Kamala Harris has Brett Kavanaugh nailed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Donald Trump asks Robert Mueller to hurry up and finish him off

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Donald Trump reveals he’s chasing his own tail

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Melania Trump releases strange statement about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has bizarre meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Mike Pence’s dead-end endgame

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Trump’s indicted GOP Congressman pal Duncan Hunter has a whole new problem

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 6, 2018

Donald Trump, The Mad King

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 6, 2018

We told you James Mattis and John Kelly didn’t write those “statements” about the Bob Woodward Book

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2018

Donald Trump doesn’t know!

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

The self-fulfilling coup against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

Kellyanne Conway dragged into Donald Trump’s 25th Amendment op-ed mess

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

Here’s how we know Donald Trump isn’t secretly behind the 25th Amendment op-ed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

Welcome to Donald Trump’s resignation endgame

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

Three reasons why so many people think Mike Pence wrote the 25th Amendment op-ed about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

Narrowing down who really wrote the 25th Amendment op-ed against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2018

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