Strange new twist for final holdout witness against Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

George Papadopoulos has bizarre Twitter meltdown about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

The Maria Butina scandal just got a whole lot stranger

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 10, 2018

Donald Trump stops in middle of hurricane prep to go berserk about President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

Randy Credico gives something away about Robert Mueller’s grand jury against Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is having a no good, very bad, horrible day

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

Hope Hicks has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

The real reason Mike Pence is suddenly flipping out about President Obama

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s latest meltdown sets off panic in the White House

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

Mike Pence blows it badly

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

Here’s how we know multiple people were behind the anonymous Donald Trump op-ed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2018

Donald Trump Jr has deranged meltdown about President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Sep 9, 2018

New fallout from anonymous op-ed about Donald Trump

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 9, 2018

Two Fox News personalities decide they’ve had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 9, 2018

Donald Trump mistakenly quotes scathing New York Times article about him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 9, 2018

Good news for the Blue Wave

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 9, 2018

Roger Stone flips out after Randy Credico testifies against him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 9, 2018

Donald Trump launches into deranged late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

We told you Brett Kavanaugh was in real legal trouble

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

Ivanka Trump reaches a new low

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

Here’s the truth about Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia grand juries

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

Mike “Lodestar” Pence? Not so fast…

By Robert Harrington | Sep 8, 2018

No one is minding the store

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

Down goes the Trump Organization

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

Rudy Giuliani suffers a whole new malfunction

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018


By Amy Fowler | Sep 8, 2018

The anonymous op-ed author has already defeated Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

Lamest comeback of all time

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2018

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