Brett Kavanaugh gives eyebrow-raising answers to written questions from Senate Democrats

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 12, 2018

Donald Trump’s magic pardons are fake news

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

Sean Hannity hits the panic button about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

Money trail blows Trump Tower meeting with Russia wide open

By Amy Fowler | Sep 12, 2018

Revealed: Ivanka Trump’s White House meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

The Resistance has finally figured out how to push Susan Collins around

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

Donald Trump goes off deep end about him and Mike Pence being impeached

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

The real story about Paul Manafort’s plea deal and his cooperation against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

Rand Paul exposed as a Kremlin agent

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 12, 2018

Donald Trump mistakenly spilled his guts to a lawyer he had no attorney-client privilege with

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

Senate Democrats publish documents that catch Brett Kavanaugh committing even more felony perjury

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2018

Donald Trump has late night meltdown after he screws up 9/11 and his Puerto Rico hurricane scandal gets worse

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Donald Trump’s monstrous remarks about 9/11

By Robert Harrington | Sep 11, 2018

Paul Manafort pretrial hearings delayed as he negotiates plea deal against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

New York State goes for Donald Trump’s jugular

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Donald Trump Jr might as well have just confessed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Looks like Senate Democrats just exposed Brett Kavanaugh’s gambling problem

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

There is nothing left in Donald Trump’s head

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Key claim in Bob Woodward’s book about Donald Trump has been vindicated

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Susan Collins is in trouble

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

This is just embarrassing

By Virginia Masters | Sep 11, 2018

Ron DeSantis hits the panic button after falling behind Andrew Gillum in Florida race for Governor

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Donald Trump caught trying to pass off old 9/11 photo of himself

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Donald Trump has unpatriotic 9/11 meltdown

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 11, 2018

Rudy Giuliani runs out of gas

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

The seminal moment in Donald Trump’s downfall

By Robert Harrington | Sep 11, 2018

Donald Trump’s approval rating numbers go into the toilet

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

Carter Page, what the hell?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2018

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