Witnesses accuse Brett Kavanaugh of participating in multiple gang rapes

By Bill Palmer | Sep 23, 2018

Deborah Ramirez accuses Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct – and a third accuser is on the way

By Bill Palmer | Sep 23, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh invokes the most asinine defense strategy of all time

By Bill Palmer | Sep 23, 2018

Michael Avenatti hints at additional Brett Kavanaugh accusers

By Bill Palmer | Sep 23, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh is now upside-down

By Robert Harrington | Sep 23, 2018

What Bruce Ohr really knows about Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 23, 2018

Ben Carson goes berserk about Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 23, 2018

Michael Flynn’s plea deal forced key member of Team Trump to change testimony

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

What the heck did Sean Hannity just do to himself?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Chuck Grassley and Orrin Hatch reveal how quickly the Brett Kavanaugh nomination is slipping away from them

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is a hero

By Wendy Luxenburg | Sep 22, 2018

How to force Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski into killing the Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Team Trump’s attempted bribe of Paul Manafort crashed and burned

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 22, 2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford confirms she’ll testify this week – and she has an ace up her sleeve

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Donald Trump is full of crap

By Robert Harrington | Sep 22, 2018

Michael Cohen makes mystery visit to federal courthouse amid major Trump-Russia revelation

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Women fire back at Donald Trump’s rape culture tweet

By Wendy Luxenburg | Sep 22, 2018

The Trump Tower meeting with the Russians: follow the money!

By Tim Faulkner | Sep 22, 2018

Chuck Grassley reveals Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is holding all the cards in Brett Kavanaugh testimony

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Donald Trump’s spectacular ongoing failure in trying to oust Rod Rosenstein

By Bill Palmer | Sep 22, 2018

Exposed: the coordinated plot to pin Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged attempted rape on some other guy

By Daniel Cotter | Sep 22, 2018

Chuck Grassley has bizarre midnight Twitter meltdown about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

Sean Hannity has stunning reaction to Rod Rosenstein story

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

Team Kavanaugh knew Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s identity before she went public

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

Police in Maryland say they’re prepared to move on Brett Kavanaugh investigation

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

Office of Special Counsel issues official warning to Melania Trump’s spokesperson

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

Donald Trump attacks Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and it quickly blows up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

The thing everyone needs to keep in mind about Beto O’Rourke vs Ted Cruz

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2018

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