FBI is already ripping into Brett Kavanaugh’s life tonight

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Amid FBI investigation, Brett Kavanaugh’s old friends confirm he committed felony perjury

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Trump White House “shellshocked” as Kavanaugh nomination falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Confirmed: FBI is now allowed to criminally pursue Brett Kavanaugh for lying to the Senate

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

The FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh is already not going the way Donald Trump was hoping

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Fact check: will Gamble v. United States give Donald Trump magic pardon powers?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

How Jeff Flake fumbled his way into pulling off the most bizarre trick play in Senate history

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Donald Trump just ordered an FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh, and now all bets are off

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

GOP leadership agrees to Jeff Flake’s demand for FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s what happens next [UPDATED]

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin call for FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s what happens now.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Jeff Flake was always going to vote “yes” on Brett Kavanaugh – but his confirmation is still very much in doubt

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

The Brett Kavanaugh horror film has jumped the shark

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Donald Trump’s pal Alan Dershowitz shockingly tries to put the brakes on Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s own 1982 calendar may have just incriminated him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 28, 2018

Red State Democrat Doug Jones says he’s voting “no” on Brett Kavanaugh – here what it tells us about the rest of the votes

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Mitch McConnell’s game of chicken

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

When it comes to the Brett Kavanaugh vote, it’s not about Joe Manchin

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Bob Corker says he’s voting for Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s why it won’t impact the outcome.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh chooses prison

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

The Brett Kavanaugh hearings are complete. Here’s what’s really happening with the nomination now.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

The real reason Lindsey Graham just threw it all away

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Donald Trump has bizarre response to Brett Kavanaugh’s mentally deranged testimony

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh totally loses it, begins yelling at Senator Dianne Feinstein

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh is having a complete meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Lindsey Graham goes berserk in Senate hallway during Dr. Christine Blasey Ford hearings

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Chuck Grassley totally humiliates himself during Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testimony

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford delivers compelling testimony, as the GOP and their hired prosecutor go off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2018

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