Welcome to the Land of Confusion

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Jeff Flake just said something on 60 Minutes that’s really bad news for Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Deborah Ramirez has already dropped the FBI hammer on Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Is Donald Trump trying to scapegoat Don McGahn for the failing Brett Kavanaugh nomination?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Dianne Feinstein goes after Don McGahn in FBI Kavanaugh investigation scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Here’s what happens if Donald Trump tries to bury or falsify the FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Despite the FBI investigation chaos, Donald Trump’s hand with Brett Kavanaugh has gotten even weaker

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Who the hell is the President of the United States tonight?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Chuck Grassley sinks to a whole new low

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Lindsey Graham just picked a fight he can’t win

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Donald Trump has meltdown over FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Trump’s meddling in the Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation takes another strange turn

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Fact check: Brett Kavanaugh and the statute of limitations in Maryland

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

How Donald Trump totally screwed himself and Brett Kavanaugh last night with one failed stunt

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

After Trump caves, FBI reveals it’s begun investigating Julie Swetnick allegations against Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Confirmed: Donald Trump’s tweet about the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh is legally binding

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Saturday Night Live destroys Brett Kavanaugh, Chuck Grassley, and Lindsey Graham

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2018

Donald Trump caves after getting caught, gives FBI permission to investigate all Brett Kavanaugh accusations

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Donald Trump begins backing down after he’s caught trying to rig FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Give the Democrats some credit

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Now we know why the Democrats were so confident an FBI investigation would take Brett Kavanaugh down

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Donald Trump just got busted, and now Brett Kavanaugh is probably toast

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Donald Trump’s illegal FBI order reveals what Brett Kavanaugh fears most

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh lie detector test saga takes a new twist

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh’s FBI nightmare gets even worse

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Here comes Donald Trump’s week from hell

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

Lindsey Graham digs an even deeper hole for himself

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

New questions emerge about what Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar really says about July 1st, 1982

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2018

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