Someone is planting fake stories in the media about the FBI Kavanaugh investigation

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

Key witness against Roger Stone pleads the Fifth – and it may not be what it seems

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

Here’s the thing about the expanded witness interview list in the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

New York State is “vigorously pursuing” Donald Trump’s newly exposed tax fraud

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

We told you the FBI Kavanaugh investigation was expanding

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski call Mitch McConnell’s bluff

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

FBI just interviewed the guy who hosted the July 1st party on Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Mitch McConnell is grasping at straws

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Nothing is adding up about the FBI probe into Brett Kavanaugh – or the reporting about it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh confessed in writing that he and his friends were ” loud, obnoxious drunks” and “prolific pukers”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Jeff Flake hurls new criticism at Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Eric Trump suddenly has a big problem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Donald Trump caught committing decades of tax fraud

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Being a woman in the age of Donald Trump

By Amy Fowler | Oct 2, 2018

Roger Stone circles the drain

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 2, 2018

After Donald Trump caves again, Jeff Flake throws him a whole new Brett Kavanaugh curveball

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2018

Mitch McConnell is bluffing again

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Harvard dumps Brett Kavanaugh’s faculty web page

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Even Donald Trump admits Brett Kavanaugh has a problem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

FBI eyes second interview with Brett Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh drunkenly assaulted a guy he mistakenly thought was the lead singer from UB40. No, really.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Donald Trump is somehow even stupider than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh is having a really, really, really bad day

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh caught tampering with witnesses in Deborah Ramirez accusation

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Donald Trump reveals he’s at the end of his rope on Brett Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Senate transcript reveals Brett Kavanaugh allegedly raped a woman in the back of a car

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

After Jeff Flake calls him out, Donald Trump relents and orders a real FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

Small men throwing tantrums

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2018

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