Here’s why we only need 51 – not 67 – Senate seats to oust Brett Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Chuck Grassley opens his mouth and makes it even worse

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

The sheer insanity of what Susan Collins just did

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

After that speech, there is no doubt Susan Collins is being blackmailed by Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Susan Collins just destroyed herself, and Brett Kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court for a moment – but America isn’t finished yet

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Donald Trump reaches an all time low

By Robert Harrington | Oct 5, 2018

Lisa Murkowski votes “no” on Brett Kavanaugh cloture, and all hell breaks loose

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Yes, Brett Kavanaugh is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Did the GOP just admit that it knew about the Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations before he was nominated?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

How to correctly interpret the results of today’s Senate cloture vote on Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh tries to do last minute damage control as his nomination falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Lisa Murkowski is suddenly “scaring everyone” in the GOP over Brett Kavanaugh vote

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Senator Richard Blumenthal says there’s “plenty” of dirt in FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Chuck Grassley seems to think the GOP is four votes short on Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

GOP Senator suddenly says he can’t show up for Brett Kavanaugh vote

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Dianne Feinstein confirms FBI report exposes misconduct by Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

There’s something going on with Jeff Flake and Chris Coons again in the Kavanaugh nomination

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Heidi Heitkamp says she’s voting “no” on Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s how that impacts things.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Lindsey Graham has incoherent meltdown about killing Donald Trump’s cat, or something

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

Senate Democrats reveal they have an ace in the hole against Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 4, 2018

So much for the FBI having nothing on Brett Kavanaugh

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 4, 2018

Donald Trump goes on bizarre late night rant about Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

Mitch McConnell is trying to hurry up and finish the job as Brett Kavanaugh nomination falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

On verge of FBI report, GOP Senator Ben Sasse strangely tries to distance himself from Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

Here’s how Senate Democrats can outfox Mitch McConnell on FBI’s Brett Kavanaugh report

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

Democrats reveal Brett Kavanaugh secretly came up dirty in one of his previous FBI background checks

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

One of Brett Kavanaugh’s key GOP Senate defenders suddenly sounds nervous about holding a vote

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

Trump and McConnell sink to desperate new lengths to protect Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 3, 2018

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