Robert Mueller is back

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2018

Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, which had Trump-Russia fingerprints all over it, is a bigger scandal than ever

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

Susan Rice fires back after Susan Collins attacks her

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

Robert Mueller takes a big new swing in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

Donald Trump Jr secretly had another Trump Tower meeting with a foreign agent offering to rig the election

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

So much for the Rod Rosenstein saga

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

Hope Hicks just landed a new job, and it may tell us something about the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

There’s only one thing that can save us now

By Wendy Luxenburg | Oct 8, 2018

Susan Collins’ Big Mistake

By Robert Harrington | Oct 8, 2018

Robert Mueller takes a bite out of Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

The sun also rises

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2018

Here’s the thing about the Susan Collins debacle

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

None of them are getting away with any of it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

Taylor Swift breaks longtime political silence, comes out swinging for Democratic Party in the midterms

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

Did Susan Collins sell her soul to Donald Trump over a $162 million Navy shipyard bill for Maine?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

The gloating begins

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 7, 2018

So much for the notion that Lindsey Graham was simply auditioning for the Attorney General job

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

This won’t end well for Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

Susan Collins digs herself an even deeper hole

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

Donald Trump is way too optimistic about what’s going to happen next

By Amy Fowler | Oct 7, 2018

Yep, Russia wanted Brett Kavanaugh

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 7, 2018

This hideous monster just can’t help himself

By Bill Palmer | Oct 7, 2018

Just wait til the subpoenas start flying

By Bill Palmer | Oct 6, 2018

The one positive takeaway from the profoundly sad Brett Kavanaugh debacle

By Bill Palmer | Oct 6, 2018

Federal Judge asked Chief Justice John Roberts to intervene in Brett Kavanaugh scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 6, 2018

The real reason Joe Manchin is voting “yes” on Brett Kavanaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 6, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, pardons, the Supreme Court, and Gamble v. United States

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

Multiple Democrats – including one big name – are already lining up to run against Susan Collins

By Bill Palmer | Oct 5, 2018

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