Donald Trump erupts on Twitter after SNL begins lampooning him and Kanye West

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller is waiting for November

By Wendy Luxenburg | Oct 13, 2018

Here’s what’ll really happen to Trump if the Democrats win the House but not the Senate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

Donald Trump Jr floats utterly deranged claim to try to get his dad off the Saudi Arabia hook

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

Fact check: no, Democrat Phil Bredesen is not down by “14 points” in the Tennessee Senate race

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

Donald Trump is screwing up another hurricane aftermath

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

Donald Trump finds a way to screw up the release of Pastor Brunson

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

Yeah, Jared Kushner is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

Donald Trump can’t even fake it

By Robert Harrington | Oct 13, 2018

Turns out the Democrats can win the voter suppression war after all

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

The fatalism is out of control

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2018

The truly dangerous part about what comes next with Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Donald Trump has deranged rally meltdown about Robert E. Lee and Ulysses Grant

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

The Stephen Miller debacle keeps getting uglier

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

How ugly will this Saudi Arabia scandal get for Donald Trump and Jared Kushner?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Federal grand jury is targeting someone in the Trump Organization – and it looks like it’s Eric Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

We told you not to take the Ivanka Trump bait

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

This is getting even worse for Susan Collins

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

“Donald Trump Jr. will be indicted before his birthday”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has meltdown about Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Ted Cruz has a whole new problem

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 12, 2018

No, Senate Democrats didn’t hand Mitch McConnell a “gift” on judge confirmations

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Blood on his hands

By Virginia Masters | Oct 12, 2018

Here’s the thing about that voter suppression case in Georgia

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Dark and dangerous place

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 12, 2018

Things get weird for Robert Mueller and Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Susan Collins gets shouted down

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

Ted Lieu rips Jared Kushner a new one

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2018

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