Donald Trump escalates his war against the free press

By Virginia Masters | Oct 20, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller chose right now to go after Russian operative Elena Khusyaynova

By Bill Palmer | Oct 20, 2018

Nice try, Sarah Huckabee Sanders

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Russian oligarch tied to Donald Trump Jr reportedly empties his U.S. bank accounts as Robert Mueller moves in

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

There’s something going on with Robert Mueller and Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

What does Joaquin Castro know about Jared Kushner and Jamal Khashoggi’s murder that we don’t?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

The real reason Paul Manafort is now in a wheelchair

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Alaska Governor Bill Walker suddenly drops out of reelection race, endorses Democratic opponent

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

It took Saudi Arabia seventeen days to come up with this lame new excuse for Jamal Khashoggi’s murder

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Robert Mueller fires Trump-Russia warning shot ahead of his big move against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Heidi Cruz is the “perfect” Republican wife – and that’s the whole problem

By Wendy Luxenburg | Oct 19, 2018

Here’s the clear path for the Democrats to retake the Senate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Donald Trump is going out with both middle fingers blazing

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s Russian murders

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Even after Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, Donald Trump still thinks violence against journalists is fantastic

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Finally, a Donald Trump scandal that even the people in the middle can understand

By Bill Palmer | Oct 19, 2018

Reports of the Democrats’ demise in the midterms have been greatly exaggerated

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

If you’re following the Donald Trump – Michael Cohen saga, put December 12th and 13th on your calendar

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

Jared Kushner opens his mouth and makes the Saudi Arabia murder scandal even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

Donald Trump’s White House falls to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

Donald Trump Jr goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

New York City reminds us again how much it hates Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

The one thing everyone missed in the Heidi Cruz interview about Ted Cruz

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

Brian Kemp has unwittingly created a monster in the Georgia race for Governor

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

Oh good, Putin wants to say something

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 18, 2018

This “Taylor Swift effect” in Tennessee might be real after all

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

Paul Manafort slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

All of America is being held hostage by one compromised loser named Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 18, 2018

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