Donald Trump posts confusing tweet about Congressman Lou Barletta and his family, deletes it [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

Massive first day early voter turnout in Texas – and it’s good news for Beto O’Rourke

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

It’s finally Roger Stone’s time in the barrel

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

How Donald Trump and Ted Cruz both lose tonight

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

Jared Kushner hits the panic button about Saudi Arabia

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump makes up idiotic new word

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

Why it’s so important that Jamal Khashoggi’s body double had a fake beard

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

Donald Trump flips out after finally figuring out the whole world hates him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

The saga between Donald Trump and Jared Kushner reaches a whole new level of stupid

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 22, 2018

Donald Trump has meltdown after his candidate Ron DeSantis performs poorly in Florida Governor debate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2018

The stakes just got even higher

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 21, 2018

Roger Stone goes berserk after Paul Manafort sells him out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

New polls give a new twist to Florida races for Governor and Senate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

Now is not the time to fall for this absurdist nonsense

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

Saudi Crown Prince reportedly spoke with Jamal Khashoggi by phone just moments before his murder

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

Donald Trump hands major new gift to Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

Donald Trump reveals just how scared he is of Andrew Gillum

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

Is the election really going to come down to immigration?

By Amy Fowler | Oct 21, 2018

Rick Scott is a career criminal

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 21, 2018

Donald Trump throws Jared Kushner under the Saudi Arabia bus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2018

“Don’t be a baby”: Donald Trump comes completely unglued

By Bill Palmer | Oct 20, 2018

Republican Party gives up on another House GOP incumbent race

By Bill Palmer | Oct 20, 2018

Why Mitch McConnell might suddenly be trying to take Donald Trump down for his own gain

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 20, 2018

Michael Cohen sounds the alarm

By Bill Palmer | Oct 20, 2018

Donald Trump’s hairy mess

By Robert Harrington | Oct 20, 2018

What the heck is going on with Paul Manafort’s health?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 20, 2018

We’re right back to the doomsday hype

By Bill Palmer | Oct 20, 2018

Donald Trump suggests Hillary Clinton conspired with the Russians to rig the election against herself

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 20, 2018

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