The real reason NBC is canceling Megyn Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Chuck Grassley just made a huge mistake by asking the DOJ/FBI to investigate Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Here’s what Joe Biden and Robert de Niro really have in common with the other bomb targets

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

There is no President of the United States

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacks CNN after someone tries to blow up CNN headquarters

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump prefers to make phone calls on his unsecured personal cellphone

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Donald Trump gives vomit-worthy rally speech after bombs target Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

There’s only one thing Donald Trump can do now

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Ivanka Trump takes heat for her response to bombs targeting Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

CNN president rips into Donald Trump and Sarah Huckabee Sanders after bomb attacks

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Donald Trump supporters go berserk at rally after Democrats are targeted with bombs

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Welcome to Donald Trump’s shithole America

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

What today’s bombing targets all really have in common – and it’s not just that they’re Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Donald Trump serves up embarrassing response to bombs sent to President Obama and Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Here’s how to fight back against the bombs sent to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Donald Trump and the GOP sink to a whole new low

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 24, 2018

Donald Trump now thinks Michael Bolton is in his cabinet. No, really.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2018

Roger Stone goes off deep end as Robert Mueller closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

John Bolton is cowering to Vladimir Putin because he’s knee deep in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Susan Collins gets destroyed over Sandra Day O’Connor remarks

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Delusional Don strikes again

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 23, 2018

Secret Service had to intervene after John Kelly tried to violently assault someone in the White House

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Hey Mike Pence – you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Something strange is going on with Ron DeSantis in Florida

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Georgia’s vote suppression candidate Brian Kemp caught on tape

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

NBC’s Megyn Kelly experiment has predictably gone off a cliff

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Donald Trump is in need of immediate medical attention

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz rally lands with a thud

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2018

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