You can draw a straight line from today’s Pittsburgh synagogue shooting to Donald Trump’s antisemitic remarks yesterday

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2018

Enough with the false equivalence already

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2018

Donald Trump is cooking up something new and corrupt with Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump defies the laws of physics and somehow finds a way to sink to a whole new low

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump goes utterly berserk at political rally after MAGA bomber arrested

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

You’re damn right these bombs are Donald Trump’s fault

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump can’t even be bothered

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s day so far

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump is already trying to make the “MAGA bomber” disappear

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 26, 2018

Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray throw Donald Trump under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

That’s what you get for going after Maxine Waters

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump gives utterly horrible speech after FBI arrests Trump supporter for sending bombs

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump’s rebel yell

By Amy Fowler | Oct 26, 2018

FBI arrests bombing suspect whose van is covered with pro-Trump propaganda

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown after new bombs target Cory Booker and James Clapper

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

Welcome to the ten day stretch that will decide the fate of America

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2018

NRA caught illegally conspiring with 2018 GOP Senate candidate

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 25, 2018

Here’s a peek at just how aggressively Robert Mueller is moving behind the scenes

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Here comes that long awaited new Trump-Russia evidence against Roger Stone

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Donald Trump gets confused and wanders away yet again

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

I see a pattern here

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Donald Trump caught red handed in iPhone scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Why it matters that Caitlyn Jenner just admitted she regrets voting for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Trump Foundation hauled into court in New York

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Fox News stooge Lou Dobbs goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Michael Avenatti fires back after Chuck Grassley orders a criminal investigation into him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Hey Donald Trump, none of these words even go together

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2018

Donald Trump, how dare you?

By Virginia Masters | Oct 25, 2018

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