Three big things you can expect to happen after the midterm elections

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2018

Turns out Donald Trump is even lazier than we thought

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 29, 2018

Donald Trump accidentally endorses some guy in Canada instead of House GOP candidate, deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Donald Trump, funeral crasher

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after facing blowback for going berserk

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Looks like something is going down with Robert Mueller, Roger Stone, and Julian Assange

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

World Series player criticizes Donald Trump for inappropriate baseball tweet

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Donald Trump has racist meltdown about Andrew Gillum

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

I’m disgusted

By Robert Harrington | Oct 29, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders has deranged press conference meltdown about synagogue shooting

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Donald Trump and his kids hit with civil RICO suit

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Trump-Russia expert sounds the alarm about Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 29, 2018

Immunity request raises all kinds of questions about Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

Ivanka Trump had something to say about the synagogue shooting. It didn’t go well.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2018

You’re darn right I’m going to keep calling for Donald Trump to be locked up

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

There is no bottom

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 28, 2018

Donald Trump throws crybaby tantrum after he doesn’t get his way

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

Mike Pence steps up to remind us he’s a monster too

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

Donald Trump tries to play the victim and fails miserably

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

The Trump-Russia scandal takes a bizarre new turn thanks to George Papadopoulos

By Tim Faulkner | Oct 28, 2018

Donald Trump is cracking up on a whole new level

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

Donald Trump posts utterly deranged late night retweet from convicted criminal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

Donald Trump has angry midnight meltdown for absolutely insane reason

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2018

Resign, you sick twisted coward

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2018

Hey Donald Trump, we found your terrorists

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2018

This weakling needs to pack up and go home

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 27, 2018

Donald Trump’s massive umbrella fail

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2018

Megyn Kelly is finished, and everyone but NBC saw it coming

By Wendy Luxenburg | Oct 27, 2018

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