Rudy Giuliani steps in it again

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2018

Here’s what’ll really happen if the Democrats win the House but not the Senate

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2018

This is just getting sad

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2018

It’s finally the NRA’s time in the barrel

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Here’s what really happens if Jeff Sessions gets fired

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

How the election could cause Donald Trump to lose Mar-a-Lago

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Roger Stone tries to take his last stand and falls down

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Donald Trump screws up yet another endorsement

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Donald Trump screws up and admits Russia rigged the 2016 election for him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Donald Trump’s endorsements go even further off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Yep, Donald Trump is a financial failure

By Robert Harrington | Nov 3, 2018

Here’s just how messed up the Republican Party is right now

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

The real reason Nancy Pelosi said what she just said about the election

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Here come Donald Trump’s dirty financial secrets

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Donald Trump begins making excuses for why he’s going to lose

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2018

Kellyanne Conway suffers malfunction

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

Melania Trump has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

Donald Trump, domestic terrorist

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 2, 2018

Things just keep getting worse for Susan Collins

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

Rudy Giuliani endorses candidate who doesn’t exist

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

The best and worst of American politics in the same day

By Virginia Masters | Nov 2, 2018

Donald Trump takes his violent racist rallies to a whole new low

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump posts idiotic fake poster of himself

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

Donald Trump said that “black people are too stupid to vote for me” and other horrible racist things

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

President Obama slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

In surreal twist, Michael Cohen appears to endorse Andrew Gillum

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

Donald Trump has always been an idiot

By Robert Harrington | Nov 2, 2018

Donald Trump’s caravan to hell

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2018

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