Here comes Donald Trump’s Attorney General head-fake

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2018

Incoming House Intel Chair Adam Schiff rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2018

Buckle up, it’s about to get more turbulent than ever

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 10, 2018

Kellyanne Conway has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2018

Rudy Giuliani goes hilariously off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

Michelle Obama slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

What Robert Mueller has up his sleeve

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk after Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson climb back into contention in Florida

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the deep end about Robert Mueller amid reports that Donald Trump Jr could be arrested

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

Andrew Gillum slams Rick Scott heading into Florida recounts

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

Trump’s Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker panics and locks down his Twitter account after his scandals explode

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2018

Jeff Sessions’ revenge against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Buzz says Donald Trump Jr is on the verge of arrest

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Yes, Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson can still win

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Scott Walker has been defeated. Is he about to be indicted?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Donald Trump and his underlings know they’ve lost, and they’re trying to settle old grudges while they still can

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s new Acting Attorney General stooge Matthew Whitaker is already crashing and burning

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is in need of psychiatric treatment

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2018

Governor* of Georgia

By Robert Harrington | Nov 7, 2018

Why does everyone suddenly think Robert Mueller is a hapless idiot?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

Jeff Sessions is a nothing burger

By Amy Fowler | Nov 7, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes berserk, falsely accuses CNN’s Jim Acosta of assaulting a woman, revokes his press credentials

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

Now that’s just rude

By Virginia Masters | Nov 7, 2018

No, Donald Trump can’t magically fire Robert Mueller and magically get away with everything

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump just forced Jeff Sessions to “resign”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

Donald Trump melts down in psychotic press conference after he loses the midterms

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

House Democrats win majority, begin making moves to protect Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

What the hell just happened in Florida?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2018

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