Donald Trump is circling the drain and everyone around him knows it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Here comes that boatload full of House Democrat subpoenas against Donald Trump, his family, and his goons

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Democrats move forward with strategy to oust Matthew Whitaker as Trump’s acting Attorney General

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Rudy Giuliani is back – and he’s making a bigger mess than ever

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 13, 2018

George Papadopoulos’ attorneys decide to quit as Professor Misfud comes forward to testify about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Robert Mueller just backed Donald Trump into a corner over Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Donald Trump is flailing around like a fish with rabies

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Donald Trump fires his Deputy National Security Adviser because of Melania [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Jerome Corsi abruptly bails on interview after getting dreaded phone call from Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

What’s this about Sarah Huckabee Sanders being on her way out?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Report: Robert Mueller indictments could be coming as soon as today

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

Did Michael Cohen just blow open the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2018

We’re in the Twilight Zone

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2018

Trump’s acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker just blinked

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2018

Roger Stone’s Trump-Russia pal Jerome Corsi says he’s days from being indicted. Here’s what it really means.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2018

Prominent House Democrat says Donald Trump won’t be in office for “much longer”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2018

Emmanuel Macron seems to know something about Donald Trump that we don’t

By Amy Fowler | Nov 12, 2018

Donald Trump knows he’s lost and he’s just mailing it in

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2018

Vladimir Putin’s puppets in the Republican Congress

By Tim Faulkner | Nov 12, 2018

European leaders stick it to a newly weakened Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2018

This is what a real President sounds like

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2018

Yes, the House Democrats are going to oust Donald Trump – they just can’t say it yet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2018

Rick Scott spirals out of control as the Florida elections start to slip away from him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2018

Trump-Russia puppet Dana Rohrabacher has been bounced from Congress. Now he’s in REAL trouble.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2018

What a dick!

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2018

Get the hell off Nancy Pelosi’s back

By Robert Harrington | Nov 11, 2018

Trump’s new Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker is even more of a disaster than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2018

Welcome to Donald Trump’s 1984

By Robert Harrington | Nov 10, 2018

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