Maxine Waters is going after Betsy DeVos

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s defense mechanisms have truly failed him

By Robert Harrington | Nov 16, 2018

Here’s just how badly Donald Trump has blown it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2018

Here’s the thing about the bill to protect Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2018

Here we go…

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2018

All hell breaks loose

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2018

Errant court filing reveals Robert Mueller’s allies have secretly criminally charged Julian Assange

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2018

Roger Stone reveals what he’s truly afraid of in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2018

New Robert Mueller filing confirms one of Donald Trump’s big fish is getting arrested in the next ten days

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2018

Vladimir Putin murdered my neighbor

By Robert Harrington | Nov 15, 2018

More bad news for Susan Collins

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2018

Donald Trump slams the panic button

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 15, 2018

Inside the centrist scam behind the “challenge” to Nancy Pelosi as Speaker

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2018

How rude!

By Amy Fowler | Nov 15, 2018

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s abortion payoffs

By Robert Harrington | Nov 15, 2018

Donald Trump Jr is somehow even stupider than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2018

Here’s what happens if the Arizona GOP tries to shoehorn Martha McSally into the Senate after losing to Kyrsten Sinema

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

Melania Trump jumps the shark and back again

By Amy Fowler | Nov 14, 2018

Donald Trump will have a difficult time running for reelection from prison

By Tim Faulkner | Nov 14, 2018

House Democrats launch fraud probe into Trump’s acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

Report: Donald Trump may have paid as many as eight women to have abortions

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

Roger Stone’s text messages may have just finished him off – and given Robert Mueller a path to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

Donald Trump just called for a “violent” response from his remaining supporters

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

What just happened to Roger Stone’s Trump-Russia pal Jerome Corsi?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

Downward Facing Trump

By Virginia Masters | Nov 14, 2018

Fox News takes legal action against Donald Trump after going silent on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

It’s Mueller Time, and Donald Trump is AWOL

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 14, 2018

Melania Trump is spiraling out of control

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2018

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